
The Hematopathology Service focuses on the diagnosis of hematolymphoid disorders from the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid tissues. In addition to a comprehensive morphologic interpretation ancillary studies are available to support diagnostic interpretations. These include Immunohistochemistry, 10 Color Flow Cytometry, Cytogenetics, and Molecular Pathology. These services can be ordered using the Comprehensive Hematopathology Requisition.

Under the direction of Carol Holman, MD, PhD, the service has four very experienced hematopathologists. There are approximately 1800 specimens processed per year with approximately 600 solid lymphoid tissues and 1200 bone marrow specimens.  The pathologists work closely with consulting pathologists and oncologists to orchestrate the necessary diagnostic procedures, and integrate the information generated for a comprehensive diagnosis.

Specimen Preparation and Packaging Instructions

Hours: Specimens are accepted during our regular business hours.

Reports:  Final result reports may be faxed or provided electronically.

UIDL Client Services:
Toll-free: 866-844-2522
Local: 319-384-7212
Client Services Fax: 319-384-7213
Billing Fax: 319-356-0729

Carol Holman
Carol Holman, MD, PhD
Director of Hematopathology
Office: 6229 Roy Carver Pavilion
Phone: 319-356-3981
Email: carol-holman@uiowa.edu

Sergei Syrbu, MD, PhD
Sergei Syrbu, MD, PhD
Office: 6245 Roy Carver Pavilion
Phone: 319-356-7372
Email: sergei-syrbu@uiowa.edu