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Laboratory Websites - A-Z

Visit laboratory websites for the following faculty members:

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Labs
Boudreau, Ryan, PhD

Cardiovascular Medicine - Labs
Ahmad, Ferhaan, MD, PhD 
Benson, Chris, MD 
Boudreau, Ryan, PhD 
Campbell, Colleen, PhD, MS, CGC
Chapleau, Mark, MD
Dayal, Sanjana, PhD 
Faraci, Frank, PhD 
Grueter, Chad, PhD
Grumbach, Isabella, MD, PhD 
Harwani, Sailesh, MD, PhD
Heistad, Donald, MD 
Hodgson-Zingman, Denise, MD
Irani, Kaikobad, MD 
Koval, Olha, PhD 
Kumar, Santosh, PhD
Lamping, Kathryn PhD
London, Barry, MD, PhD 
Mehdi, Haider, PhD 
Mickelsen, Steven, MD
Sabharwal, Rasna, PhD
Singh, Madhu, PhD 
Snyder, Peter, MD
Song, Long-Sheng, MD, MS 
Streeter, Jennifer, MD, PhD
Vikram, Ajit, PhD
Zingman, Leonid, MD

Endocrinology and Metabolism - Labs
Correia, Marcelo, MD, MSc, PhD
Flippo, Kyle, PhD
Imai, Yumi, MD
O'Neill, Brian, MD, PhD
Pereira-Alambert, Renata, PhD
Shi, Qian, PhD
Sivitz, William, MD
Stephens, Samuel, PhD
Weatherford, Eric, PhD
Yorek, Mark, PhD

Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Labs
Elliott, David, MD 
Ince, M. Nedim, MD
Kurahashi, Masaaki, MD, PhD
Mokadem, Mohamed, MD
Tanaka, Tomohiro, MD, MPH

General Internal Medicine - Labs
Barlow, Patrick, PhD
Perencevich, Eli, MD, MS 
Reisinger, Heather, PhD
Schweizer, Marin, PhD

Hematology, Oncology, and Blood & Marrow Transplantation - Labs
Chauhan, Anil, MTech, PhD
Dayal, Sanjana, PhD
Dodd, Rebecca, PhD
Huang, Yi, MD, PhD
Lentz, Steven, MD
Short, Sarah, PhD
Thiel, William, PhD 
Weiner, George, MD

Immunology - Labs
Ballas, Zuhair, MD
Bishop, Gail, PhD 
Colgan, John, PhD 
Lee, Gloria, PhD
Lenert, Aleks, MD, MS
Morita, Craig, MD
Weiner, George, MD

Infectious Diseases - Labs
Gurung, Prajwal, PhD
Maretzky, Thorsten PhD
Meier, Jeffery, MD
Nauseef, William, MD
Ohl, Michael MD, MSPH
Perencevich, Eli, MD, MS 
Stapleton, Jack, MD
Tan, Sabrina, MD
Weiss, Jerrold, PhD 
Wilson, Mary, MD
Winokur, Patricia, MD

Nephrology and Hypertension - Labs 
Cheng, Chih-Jen, MD, PhD
Huang, Chou-Long, MD, PhD
Jalal, Diana, MD
Snyder, Peter, MD
Thomas, Christie, MBBS
Dai, Dao-Fu, MD, PhD (Pathology)
Smith, Richard, MD (MORL Lab, Otolaryngology)

Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Occupational Medicine - Labs
Abou Alaiwa, Muhmoud MD
Comellas, Alejandro, MD 
Klesney-Tait, Julia, MD, PhD
McGowan, Stephen, MD
Stoltz, David, MD
Welsh, Michael, MD
Zabner, Joseph, MD