Michael Hayes

Mentor: David L. Roman, PhD

Year Entered Into Program: 2012

PhD Institution: University of Iowa, 2017


  • Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry / PSET

Research Description

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in males with over 200,000 new cases diagnosed each year leading to over 25,000 deaths. Prostate cancer is notorious for metastasizing making the development of anti-prostate cancer therapeutics an area of intense research. G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the molecular targets of nearly 40% of drugs currently on the market, and with the University of Iowa High Throughput Screening Facility, the ability to identify and characterize small molecules as potential therapeutics in a high throughput manner is now readily available. The main goal of my research is to design high throughput methodologies to develop molecular probes to further investigate the roles of GPCRs in prostate cancer. Thus far, assay design and miniaturization has been accomplished using optical label-free biosensing, fluorescent dye assays, and genetically encoded reporter proteins in both prostate cancer-derived cell lines and HEK cells.


  • AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 2014-2015
  • Fellowship appointment on the Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (NIH T32 067795), University of Iowa, 2013-2015
  • MNPC Fellowship, University of Iowa, 2012


  1. Hayes MP, O'Brien JB, Crawford RA, Fowler CA, Yu L, Doorn JA, Roman DL. Fragment-Based Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Screen against a Regulator of G Protein Signaling Identifies a Binding "Hot Spot". Chembiochem. 2021 Jan 21. doi: 10.1002/cbic.202000740. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33480159
  2. Bodle CR, Schamp JH, O'Brien JB, Hayes MP, Wu M, Doorn JA, Roman DL.: Screen Targeting Lung and Prostate Cancer Oncogene Identifies Novel Inhibitors of RGS17 and Problematic Chemical Substructures. SLAS Discov 1:2472555217752301, 2018.  PMID: 29351497
  3. Hayes MP, Bodle CR, Roman DL.: Evaluation of the Selectivity and Cysteine Dependence of Inhibitors across the Regulator of G Protein-Signaling Family. Mol Pharmacol 93(1):25-35, 2018.  PMID: 29051318
  4. Hayes MP, Soto-Velasquez M, Fowler CA, Watts VJ, Roman DL.: Identification of FDA-Approved Small Molecules Capable of Disrupting the Calmodulin-Adenylyl Cyclase 8 Interaction through Direct Binding to Calmodulin. ACS ZChem Neurosci 9(2):346-357, 2018.  PMID: 28968502
  5. Bodle CR, Mackie DI, Hayes MP, Schamp JH, Miller MR, Henry MD, Doorn JA, Houtman JCD, James MA, Roman DL.:  Natural Products Discovered in a High-Throughput Screen Identified as Inhibitors of RGS17 and as Cytostatic and Cytotoxic Agents for Lung and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines. J Nat Prod. 80(7):1992-2000, 2017.  PMCID: PMC5567870
  6. Bodle CR, Hayes MP, O'Brien JB, Roman DL.:  Development of a bimolecular luminescence complementation assay for RGS: G protein interactions in cells. Anal Biochem 522:10-17, 2017.  PMCID: PMC5330260 [Available on 2018-04-01]
  7. Hayes MP, Roman DL.:  Regulator of G Protein Signaling 17 as a Negative Modulator of GPCR Signaling in Multiple Human Cancers. AAPS J. 18(3):550-559, 2016.  PMCID: PMC5256612
  8. Brust TF, Hayes MP, Roman DL, Burris KD, Watts VJ.:  Bias analyses of preclinical and clinical D2 dopamine ligands: studies with immediate and complex signaling pathways. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 352(3):480-93, 2015.  PMCID: PMC4352597
  9. Brust TF, Hayes MP, Roman DL, Watts VJ.: New functional activity of aripiprazole revealed: Robust antagonism of D2 dopamine receptor-stimulated Gβγ signaling. Biochem Pharmacol. 93(1):85-91, 2015.  PMCID: PMC4276521