University of Iowa Resources

The Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research offers many excellent resources for researchers, including a research handbook, funding opportunities, workshops, and development opportunities.


The Research Development Office (RDO) offers several terrific assets, including the RDO Resource Library (HawkID required) for examples of successful grant proposals (from both federal and private agencies) and external reviews of grant proposals to provide feedback prior to submission.


The Division of Sponsored Programs can assist in the grant application process, budget preparation, and other research needs.  Additionally, the site hosts the UI Grant Bulletin with useful information on current funding opportunities and relevant links.


The UI Carver College of Medicine websites offer internal funding opportunities, PIVOT (login required) - one of many search mechanisms for external funding, and additional research resources.


The University of Iowa Office of Faculty Affairs and Development offers editing consultant services, and there are additional editing fee-for-services available through the Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core. 


The Hardin Library for the Health Sciences offers several resources, including librarian support to help with your literature review, research consultations, a scholarly publishing guide and workshops and video tutorials.


The Iowa Human Subjects Office website provides useful information on the IRB process, including the different research categories. This site offers an overview of the IRB process, and FAQ page for how to get started with the Iowa IRB process, a Human Subject Research Determination form, and several IRB educational tools to help with the IRB process.