Medical Student Research Awards


Outstanding Presentation in the Discipline of Primary Care, College of Medicine Medical Student Research Day 
Recipient: Jessica McCool, M2 
Multidisciplinary reports of nursing home mistreatment 
Mentor: Gerald Jogerst, MD


Department of Family Medicine Award, College of Medicine Medical Student Research Day 
Recipient: Amy Schmeidel, M1 for her oral presentation “Perspectives on Mandatory Reporting of Elder Abuse by Health care Professionals” 
Mentors: Gerald Jogerst, MD & Jeanette Daly, PhD


1st Annual Rosalie S. Wolfe Memorial Award 
Given by the International Association of Gerontology 
Recipient: Hilary Buri, M2 for her project “Elder abuse in a frail elderly Iowa population” 
Mentors: Gerald Jogerst, MD & Jeanette Daly, PhD


General Award for Oral Presentation, College of Medicine Medical Student Research Day 
Recipient: Hilary Buri, M1 for “Characteristics associated with elder abuse identified through self-report screening”, 
Mentor: Gerald Jogerst, MD