Dept. of Radiation Oncology: 20 year anniversary


Twenty years ago today, the Division of Radiation Oncology became the independent Department of Radiation Oncology ushering in an era of rapid technological growth and precise, image-guided radiotherapy. We’ve grown from a handful of faculty and staff to a remarkable 107 faculty and staff today, supporting our main clinic along with four other regional partner clinics serving more rural areas. We provide patients access to a range of complex treatments including gated radiotherapy, and total body irradiation not to mention leading edge treatments such as MRI-guided radiation therapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, and interstitial high-dose-rate brachytherapy.

Some things have not changed: significantly, our commitment to patient care has always been at the very center of who we are as a department. Don’t take our word for it, ask those for whom we have cared for.

To honor the establishment of our department and the leadership of Dr John Buatti, faculty and staff under the direction of Dr Carryn Anderson established the “John Buatti Fund for Radiation Research”. To date, over 250 donors have generously contributed over $107 000 to fund seed research. If you would like to contribute towards research in our department please consider making a gift:


Thursday, July 1, 2021