
Dr. Annette Schlueter is featured this month on The College of Medicine Faculty Focus...
Dr. Vladimir Badovinac received a five-year NIH MIRA(Maximizing Investigators' Research Award) R35 entitled ‘Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Sepsis-induced Immunoparalysis State’...
Drs. Vladimir Badovinac and John Harty have successfully renewed their R01 grant entitled ‘Memory CD8 T Cell Localization and Protection from Influenza’ from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)...
Dr. Andrean Simons-Burnett received a four-year Merit Award grant from the Department of Veteran Affairs entitled “IL-1-based immunotherapy in HNSCC”...
Dr. Sterling Ortega received a one year pilot grant from the National MS Society entitled, “The Neuro-reparative Role of Myelin-specific CD8 T-cells in EAE Recovery”...
Dr. Munir Tanas received a five-year NIH R01 grant entitled “Epigenetic Modulation of the TAZ-CAMTA1 Transcriptional Program by the Ada2a-containing Histone Acetyltransferase (ATAC) Complex”...
Dr. Chen Zhao received a five-year NIH R01 research grant entitled “Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 (HSF1) Specifically Regulates AML Stem Cell Self-Renewal”...
The American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) recently announced that that Laura Collins, RN, BSN, HP(ASCP) – Assistant Manager of the DeGowin Blood Center, is the recipient of the Society for Hemapheresis Specialists (SHS) Award...
Dr. David Meyerholz is part of a multidisciplinary team that recently developed new approaches to significantly improve gene editing techniques...
Bing-Hua Jiang participated in early research that led to this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine...