2015 UI Physicians Clinical Awards Honor Two OBGYN Physicians

Monday, October 19, 2015


The University of Iowa Physicians (UIP) Clinic awards honor clinical excellence among members of the UIP. Awards in six categories are given annually. This year, two members of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology were honored.

Abbey Hardy-Fairbanks, MD was awarded the 2015 Clinician of the Year.

“In obstetrics we’re there for some really amazing moments in people’s lives. It’s really easy to be there for people when things are exciting and beautiful and babies are healthy and happy, but it takes something else to be there for somebody when the circumstances really suck… and that’s a lot of the patients that I see. They’re the patients that I feel like really need somebody to listen to them and be there for them in a special way.”

Watch the video of Dr. Hardy Fairbanks talking about her award.

Veronika Kolder, MD was awarded the 2015 Patient Satisfaction and Service Excellence Award.

“Building trust first is about me being as present as I can be. So, that’s all about eye contact, leaving all other concerns outside the door, and trying to be a good listener. Ultimately, for me, it’s about building a relationship over time.”

Watch the video of Dr. Kolder talking about her award.