
Congratulations to Dr. Mark Stinski , an emeritus Professor, on the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award. Mark’s lab discovered the CMV promoter that has been used by many research labs around the world. Read the article .
Congratulations to Patrick Schlievert, Ph.D., for receiving a Competitive Renewal award for his work with National Jewish Health.
Congratulations to Dr. Craig Ellermeier on his well-deserved promotion to Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Iowa.
Congratulations to Lilliana Radoshevich, Ph.D. for her new NIH award entitled, "Discovery of Novel Mechanisms of Action of Ubiquitin-Like Proteins in Cellular Stress Pathways". Project Summary Eukaryotic cellular stress responses are highly conserved and precisely regulated. When these pathways...
UI team makes gene therapy approach freely available for COVID-19 research Until there are effective treatments or vaccines, the COVID-19 pandemic will remain a significant threat to public health and economies around the world. A major hurdle to developing and testing new anti-viral therapies and...
Stanley Perlman, MD, PhD, physician and professor of microbiology and immunology in the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, has been appointed to the Mark Stinski Chair in Virology. The Stinski Chair was initially created in 2010 as the endowed chair in immunology. In 2015, the chair was...
Microbiology and Immunology Professor Al Klingelhutz and Biomedical Engineering Professor James Ankrum to lead a new NIH 5-year project as part of the Iowa Superfund Research Program (ISRP) studying the health effects of man-made chemicals.
The department congratulates students who successfully earned their Ph.D. from the Microbiology Graduate Program. Kyle Kinney will be a Keegstra Postdoctoral researcher at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center in Madison, Wisconsin. MSTP graduate student Tiffany Borbón will be doing a residency...