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Congratulations to Dr. Cyndari on her paper published recently in Pathogens . Modulation of Macrophage Redox and Apoptotic Processes to Leishmania infantum during Coinfection with the Tick-Borne Bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi
Congratulations to Dr. Del Rios on her recently published paper on cardiac arrest survival and health equity. Nice work! Cardiac Arrest Survival at Emergency Medical Service Agencies in Catchment Areas With Primarily Black and Hispanic Populations . Uzendu AI, Spertus JA, Nallamothu BK, Girotra S,...
Great article in today's Gazette https://www.thegazette.com/article/university-of-iowa-fellowship-works-w...
Congratulations to Dr. Lee and his team on a systematic review and meta-analysis related to head CT use related to altered mental status in the ED. Delirium, confusion, or altered mental status as a risk for abnormal head CT in older adults in the emergency department: A systematic review and meta-...
Congratulations to Dr. Harland on her recent contract with the US Department of Defense to conduct expert content analysis to help develop the research priorities for the Integrating Prevention Research Agenda for Violence. Many of you have worked with Dr. Harland over the years and seen her...
Congratulations to Dr. Vakkalanka on her first-author paper on tele-psychiatry implementation. Nice work, Priyanka! Evaluation of Telepsychiatry Services Implementation in Medical and Psychiatric Inpatient Settings: A Mixed-Methods Study. Vakkalanka JP, Nataliansyah MM, Merchant KAS, Mack LJ,...
Congratulations to Drs Faine, Carroll and Mohr! Kudus to Dr. Faine on his first-author publication on intubation sedative choice. Nice work, Brett! Rapid Sequence Intubation, is it Time to Find an Alternative Induction Agent? A Narrative Review. Faine BA, Carroll E, Sharma A, Mohr N. J Pharm Pract...
Congratulations to Dr. Lee for his case report related to a pediatric brainstem abscess. Pediatric brainstem abscess successfully treated with stereotactic aspiration: illustrative case. Teferi N, Chowdhury A, Lee S, Challa M, Weiner L, Auerbach S, Rao M, Dlouhy BJ. J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2023...
Congratulations to Dr Wubben and Team Ultrasound on their paper on POC ultrasound. Nice work! Pediatric Residents' Perceptions of a Point-of-Care Ultrasound Collaboration With Emergency Medicine. Wubben BM, Oberbillig M, Wittrock C, Rytlewski K, Thirnbeck CK, Junker C, Stier A. Cureus. 2023 Jul 10;...
Congratulations to Dr. Lee on his recent paper in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry! Bispectral EEG (BSEEG) Algorithm Captures High Mortality Risk Among 1,077 Patients: Its Relationship to Delirium Motor Subtype Nishizawa Y, Yamanashi T, Saito T, Marra P, Crutchley KJ, Wahba NE, Malicoat...