Martha Carvour, MD, PhD

Contact Information 

Office: SW34-13 GH 
​Phone: 384-8023
Faculty Profile

Brief discription of current research: 

Dr. Carvour’s research focuses on diabetes-related foot ulcers and infections of the skin, muscle, or bone that can result from these ulcers.  She is developing and testing an epidemiological method that permits diabetes researchers, public health scientists, and health systems to (1) measure the impact of diabetes-related foot complications within populations and subpopulations of patients, including those at risk for health disparities; (2) improve communication about diabetes-related foot care throughout the health care environment; and (3) identify and evaluate interventions that prevent diabetes-related foot complications, avoid amputations, and improve quality of life for patients with diabetes.

An influential diabetes/obesity/metabolism publication:

  • Carvour ML, Chiu A. A cyclical approach to continuum modeling: a conceptual model of diabetic foot care. Frontiers in Public Health, 2017. December 8;5:337. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00337.


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