John Engelhardt, PhD

Contact Information

Office: 1-101-1B1 BSB
Faculty Profile

Brief description of current research:

Research in the Engelhardt laboratory focuses on the molecular basis of inherited and environmentally induced diseases, and on the development of gene therapies for these disorders. Included are four major research areas: 1) the study of lung molecular and cellular biology as it relates to the pathogenesis and treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease, 2) the development of new animal models of cystic fibrosis, 3) the molecular mechanism of redox-mediated inflammation, and 4) the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.

3 most influential diabetes/obesity/metabolism publications:

  • Olivier, A.K., Yi, Y., Sun, X., Sui, H., Liang, B., Hu, S., Xie, W., Fisher, J.T., Keiser, N.W., Lei, D., Zhou, W., Yan, Z., Li, G., Evans, T.I., Meyerholz, D.K., Wang, K., Stewart, Z.A., Norris, A.W., and Engelhardt, J.F. 2012. Abnormal endocrine pancreas function at birth in cystic fibrosis ferrets. J Clin Invest 122:3755-3768. pmcid:PMC3534166.
  • Sun, X., Yi, Y., Xie, W., Liang, B., Winter, M.C., He, N., Liu, X., Luo, M., Yang, Y., Ode, K.L., Uc, A., Norris, A.W., and Engelhardt, J.F. 2017. CFTR Influences Beta Cell Function and Insulin Secretion Through Non-Cell Autonomous Exocrine-Derived Factors. Endocrinology 158:3325-3338. pmcid:PMC5659686.
  • Yi, Y., Sun, X., Gibson-Corley, K., Xie, W., Liang, B., He, N., Tyler, S.R., Uc, A., Philipson, L.H., Wang, K., Hara, M., Ode, K.L., Norris, A.W., and Engelhardt, J.F. 2016. A Transient Metabolic Recovery from Early Life Glucose Intolerance in Cystic Fibrosis Ferrets Occurs During Pancreatic Remodeling. Endocrinology 157:1852-1865. pmcid:PMC4870869.


“Cystic fibrosis is a complex multi-organ disease in which endocrine disturbances impact patient health. Defining these molecular pathways will ultimately lead to important new therapies that delay the progression of lung disease and improve the quality of life for CF patients.”