Dr. DeJong Receives NIH Career Development Grant

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Stacey DeJong PT, PhD was recently awarded funding as a Scholar in the CORRT K12 Program, a Multicenter Career Development Program for Physical and Occupational Therapists.  The CORRT Program provides Comprehensive Opportunities in Rehabilitation Research Training, and supports new researchers as they become independent investigators in rehabilitation science.  The program is funded by a K12 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NCMRR, NICHD, and NINDS), and is a collective effort of nine universities, including the University of Iowa.  Dr. DeJong presented her plan, titled "Cortical Mapping with Transcranial magnetic Stimulation after Stroke" at the Eighth Annual CORRT Workshop, held August 2-4, 2015 in St. Louis, MO.