
Kamal Rahmouni, PhD 

Professor, Neuroscience and Pharmacology 
Professor, Internal Medicine 
Fraternal Oder of Eagles Diabetes Center Research Chair
Carver College of Medicine 

Email: kamal-rahmouni@uiowa.edu  


Steering Committee

Daryl Granner, MD

Daryl Granner, MD

Founding Director Emeritus, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center
Professor Emeritus, Departments of Internal Medicine and Physiology
Carver College of Medicine

Email: daryl-granner@uiowa.edu

A. Kim Johnson, PhD

A. Kim Johnson, PhD

F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor Departments of Pharmacology, Psychology and Integrative Physiology
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Email: alan-johnson@uiowa.edu

Andrew Norris, MD, PhD

Director (interim), Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes 
Associate Director, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Associate
Professor, Pediatrics  
Stead Family Department of Pediatrics 

Email: andrew-norris@uiowa.edu

Edith Parker, DrPH

Edith Parker, DrPH

Professor and Head
Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Director, Preventional Research Center for Rural Health
College of Public Health

Email: edith-parker@uiowa.edu

Linnea Polgreen, PhD

Linnea Polgreen, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science
College of Pharmacy

Email: linnea-polgreen@uiowa.edu

Linda Snetselaar, PhD

Professor and Chair, Preventive Nutrition Education 
Director, Nutrition Center
Associate Provost, Outreach and Engagement 
College of Public Health

Email: linda-snetselaar@uiowa.edu

John Solow, PhD

John Solow, PhD

Professor, Departmental Executive Officer
Director, Business Honors Program Justice International Business Research Fellow
Tippie College of Business

Email: john-solow@uiowa.edu