Richard Hoffman named Director, Division of General Internal Medicine

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Internal Medicine is pleased to announce that Richard M. Hoffman, MD, MPH, assumed leadership for the Division of General Internal Medicine as its new Director on March 1.

Dr. Hoffman received his MD from Johns Hopkins in 1984. Following an internship and residency with Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, he completed fellowship training in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Center and received an MPH from the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine in 1992.

Following his fellowship training, Dr. Hoffman moved to the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center as an Assistant Professor and Director of the General Medicine Fellowship Program. He then moved to the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque in 1994 where he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2000 and to Professor in 2006.

At New Mexico, Dr. Hoffman held a joint primary appointment in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Division of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine and had a secondary appointment in the Department of Family and Community Medicine. He also served as a Senior Fellow with the New Mexico Center for the Advancement of Research, Engagement, & Science on Health Disparities and as Acting Chief of the Section of General Internal Medicine at the Albuquerque VA and Interim Chief of the Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine at the UNM School of Medicine.

Dr. Hoffman is a national expert on the development of strategies to improve prostate and colon cancer screening and brings broad expertise in clinical epidemiology and health services research. He has more than 160 publications of original research, reviews, and commentaries and has received funding from a variety of federal and state sources. Dr. Hoffman has been active in the Society of General Internal Medicine and American College of Physicians, and previously served as a Deputy Editor of the Journal of General Internal Medicine. In addition, he is a medical editor for prostate cancer topics for the Informed Medical Decision Making Foundation and works with the Foundation to develop shared decision making tools for prostate cancer screening and treatment of localized prostate cancer.

Dr. Hoffman has been honored many times for his teaching and is in wide demand nationally for his expertise. He is immensely productive at every level as an academician and brings with him extraordinary enthusiasm and commitment. He will be a welcome addition to the Department.